Jen Cialfi


What do you want to pursue with voice? Do you want to preform yourself?

Ideally I would love to preform my entire life, but I have looked into music therapy. That way I can use my talents and what I love to help other people because music has always been something that has been there for me in the past and it has been a way for to express myself so showing people what music can do would also be an awesome opportunity.

Cory Childs


I think it is depressing how most of the people that go here seem to take what they have for granted. There are a lot of people who are afforded possibilities that not everyone is afforded and it seems like a lot of people treat it very frivolously.

Rachel Bates


What got you passionate about fraking?

 I am really interested in having a green community. That is why I came to UNF they care about the natural environment and have nature trails. Plus my boyfriend helped found the club!